World Services for the Blind is one of a kind. By offering life skills and career training programs in one location, we are the most comprehensive rehabilitation center in the world for people who are blind or visually impaired. Our approach allows students to receive services tailored specifically to their needs. From essential life skills that ensure an individual’s ability to live independently to technology based career-path programs designed to provide students with the knowledge and hands-on experience that will allow them to compete in today’s high-tech job market, our programs put our students on the path to sustainable independence.
Client baking cookies in Techniques of Daily Living class
Independence means different things to different people. It could be the ability to live and travel on one’s own, or the opportunity to go to college and join the workforce. WSB supports all skill levels and will develop a Life Skills program tailored to each student’s needs. Learn more about our Life Skills programs.
Client seated at a computer during it specialist class
WSB offers a range of vocational training programs from Certified Medical Billing to becoming an Assistive Technology Instructor. Programs are offered on-campus and online through our accessible learning management system. See what we have to offer for vocational training.