Open highway during sunset
We are starting a driving course called: FAST
Functional And Skilled Transporter
Students in this program will be driven to bridge the gap where the rubber meets the road. Paving a way for people who are blind and visually impaired to merge into a career in the transportation industry, igniting a convoy of qualified individuals to speed across the finish line of success.
The course is mapped to allow you to explore a newly paved route filling the need for qualified drivers. As automatous vehicles are taking over the highway, WSB has partnered with leaders in the transportation industry to provide meaningful careers in the lane of your choosing.
When choosing your next career, take the high road to WSB.
Client Testimonial:
Having graduated from this program, new roads of opportunity have opened, signaling me to follow my dreams and never to look in the rear view mirror as the highway opens before me.
-Chevy M.
If we have driven you to read this far, press the brakes, this is only an April Fool’s Joke.