client and instructor walking with a cane outside
Orientation and Mobility
In our Orientation & Mobility training, we evaluate a person’s ability to travel safely and efficiently in various environments. We provide the necessary training and adaptive equipment enabling a person to do so. All O&M services are self-paced, flexible and individualized to assist the student to reach their short-term and long-term goals. Program time varies depending on skill retention, physical/cognitive limitations, concept development and motivation. Typically, a person with no prior O&M training and little to no useful vision will need three to six months of training to become as independent as their abilities permit. Students who have had previous training can complete the program in three to four weeks.
Areas covered typically include pre-cane skills, basic cane skills, indoor travel, street crossing skills/route travel in residential, small business, and downtown areas, and use of public transportation. An outline of the course curriculum follows.
Pre-cane Skills:
Human guide
Squaring off
Upper & lower body protection
Hand trailing
Routes—I, L, U, Z
Reversal of routes
Room familiarization
Dropped objects
Cane Skills:
Cane storage—fold, unfold and stow cane
Human guide with cane
ID cane position
Locating door handles
Diagonal cane
Two-point touch
Constant contact
Cane trailing
Ascending stairs
Descending stairs
Touch and slide
Touch and drag
Three-point check
Three-point touch
Indoor Travel
Direction taking/parallel & perpendicular alignment
Compass directions
Use of digital recorders if applicable
Use of landmarks and cues
Use of tactile maps
Routes and reversals
Residential Travel
Sidewalk travel & recovery
Straight-line travel
Corner detection
Corner familiarization
Distance travel
Routes and reversals
Use of compass (talking, cell phone)
Use of GPS systems (cell phone and Trekker combined with the Victor Stream)
Use of monocular, tactile map, digital recorder
Use of Braille or large print directions
Street Crossings (basic)
Intersection analysis
Various types of intersections (+, T, traffic circles/roundabouts)
Various types of traffic control
Ready-to-cross position
Veer correction
Parallel vs. perpendicular traffic
Boxing intersections
Appropriate timing
Street Crossings (light-controlled)
Intersection analysis
Traffic flow analysis
Traffic surge recognition
Visual recognition of walk/don’t walk signals
Monocular use if applicable
Use of APS systems
Traffic islands
Veer correction
Scanning lane-by-lane
Medium Business/Downtown Travel
Store location and familiarization
Parking lot recovery
Straight-line travel
Negotiating street furniture
Detecting corners (blended curbs, rounded corners, diagonal curb cuts)
Route planning
Understanding the address system
Requesting assistance
Using escalators, elevators, and revolving doors
Use of compass (talking, cell phone)
Mall travel
Use of tactile maps, digital recorder, monocular
Use of hand-held magnifier or CCTV for reading maps/schedules
Use of GPS systems (cell phone, Trekker/Victor)
Rural Travel
Route travel
Special cane techniques and cane tips for rural travel
Public Transportation
Bus orientation
Travel center orientation
Independent bus travel
Transferring buses
Route planning/use of GPS
The following skills are not always taught; special lessons may be arranged:
Use of ADA van if applicable
Airport familiarization
Greyhound travel
Discussion of rapid-rail and rapid light-rail systems
Use of monocular, tactile maps, digital recorder
Use of tinted lenses to reduce indoor and outdoor glare
Use of hand-held magnifying devices to read print maps
Use of GPS systems (cell phone, Trekker/Victor Stream)
Discussion of latest O&M-related technology aids
Juno walks and discussions, and blindfold travel to prepare for application to a guide dog school
Blindfold training upon request