HOPE Series: Interview with Shane Lowe from SuperSense

HOPE Series: Interview with Shane Lowe from SuperSense!

Welcome to our third installment of the WSB blog HOPE (Hanging Onto Positive Expectation) series! There are so many individuals doing great things for the Blind and Visually Impaired Community that we wanted to highlight and share their stories. We hope these stories can also serve as inspiration for those with vision loss and to remind us that there are so many people working towards a common goal of helping those who are blind and visually impaired. 

This month we are featuring Shane from SuperSense! If you haven’t heard of SuperSense, you will certainly want to check it out after reading this post (we even have a special discount for you at the end!).  


Shane’s Story  

Shane is the Community Outreach Manager at Mediate, the company that created SuperSense. He is also a college student studying Business and runs a Consulting company with some of his peers! For someone so young, he has done a lot to help the blind and visually impaired community. For his tech experience, he credits a lot to his time at the Kentucky School for the Blind, especially his AT Instructor who got him passionate about IT and working with tech.

Shane had some great tips on finding a job, especially as someone who is blind or visually impaired and still in college. Shane stated the importance of finding a job you like and finding something you are passionate about. Shane noted when finding a job as someone who is blind or visually impaired “It’s all about your network”, which is how he found his job at Mediate.

What is SuperSense?  

Supersense is a simple to use and intuitive scanner application for the blind and the visually impaired. You can scan bar codes, signs, menus, and so much more! While there are other AI apps on the market, what sets SuperSense apart is the speed and accuracy SuperSense is able to perform. With SuperSense, it can automatically detect what kind of item you need to scan, for example, a barcode or a sign. You let the camera and the AI figure out what you’re trying to scan. There is even a feature where you take a picture and SuperSense will describe what is in the image.

At WSB, we are thorough in testing an app before we recommend it and we love SuperSense! It’s fast, easy to use, and very accurate. Several staff members from our CEO to the Development and Communications Manager at WSB have used it and love it.

Another thing that makes SuperSense stand out is the company behind it – Mediate. Shane noted “I 100% believe, not as a member of the team, but as a blind individual and consumer that SuperSense and the company behind SuperSense are the most dedicated to answering people's requests and, specifically, working with people who have problems and ideas”. SuperSense is there to help if a consumer is having a problem with the app or needs help on how to use it.

“We're a part of this community, we want to be a lasting part of this community and work with blind people for the betterment of blind people.” – Shane, Community Outreach Manager at SuperSense/Mediate


SuperSense also wants to make their product accessible to the community. When you download SuperSense, you get a seven-day free trial (but at the end of this article we have a longer free trial!). A monthly subscription is $5 per month, a year is $50, and a lifetime is $99.99. As Shane mentioned, you could get an OR camera for hundreds of dollars whereas this app is affordable and fast!  

If you want to learn more about SuperSense and how to use it be sure to tune in to our free webinar on November 11th at 11am Central time! You can sign up here.

For more information on SuperSense, be sure to sign up for their newsletter here.

And now for the special discount we promised our readers! If you want to try SuperSense for free for a month, you can email Shane at shane@mediate.tech and receive a free month of SuperSense!


Have you tried SuperSense? Let us know what you think in the comments.